Hot Copy Paste is a program that can manage your copy and paste operations.
It has more functions than the plain Windows Clipboard. It can hold an unlimited number of screenshots, or text strings, or anything you wish to store in the clipboard. Hot Copy Paste will keep the information even if you shut down your system. You can configure the program to make a sound each time you capture a snapshot (by pressing the PrtScrn key, by default). The program will display a thumbnail for every snapshot, sorting those thumbnails in the order you prefer. You can change the keystrokes you want to use for each function. You can tell the program not to save identical snapshots, or to not function when running a certain program. You can encrypt the snapshots through a password. If you have used Hot Copy Paste to save text segments, you can merge them into a single text. It is possible to configure the program that will be used to preview the images or text chains and how you will save the captured data.
The demo version of this program will expire in thirty days.